
Feed submission

Feed submission es una técnica de marketing digital que se utiliza para promocionar contenido en línea y aumentar la visibilidad de un sitio web. Consiste en enviar un archivo XML o RSS que contiene información actualizada sobre el contenido del sitio web a diferentes agregadores de noticias, directorios y motores de búsqueda.

Esta técnica es especialmente útil para los sitios web que publican contenido de forma regular, como blogs, noticias y tiendas en línea, ya que permite que el contenido se distribuya de manera más efectiva y llegue a una audiencia más amplia.

Además, la feed submission puede mejorar el SEO del sitio web, ya que los motores de búsqueda utilizan los feeds para indexar y clasificar el contenido. Al enviar regularmente feeds actualizados, se aumenta la frecuencia de rastreo del sitio web y se mejora la relevancia del contenido.

Feed Submission 101: Understanding the Basics and Benefits

Feed submission refers to the process of submitting your website’s feed to various feed directories or aggregators. A feed is a way of delivering regularly updated content to your readers or subscribers. It can be in the form of a blog post, news article, podcast, or video content.

The Basics of Feed Submission

Submitting your feed to different directories helps to increase the visibility of your content and attract more traffic to your website. It is a simple process that involves creating an account with the directories and providing them with the URL of your feed.

Some popular feed directories include FeedBurner, Feedly, and Bloglovin. You can also submit your feed to search engines like Google and Bing to make it easier for users to find your content.

The Benefits of Feed Submission

Submitting your feed to directories and aggregators can have several benefits for your website:

  • Increase visibility: By submitting your feed to directories, you can reach a wider audience and attract more traffic to your website.
  • Improve SEO: Search engines like Google and Bing use feeds to crawl and index content on the web. Submitting your feed to search engines can help to improve your website’s ranking in search results.
  • Build relationships: Feeds allow you to connect with your readers and subscribers on a regular basis, keeping them informed and engaged with your content.
  • Measure success: Many feed directories and aggregators provide analytics and tracking tools that allow you to measure the success of your feed and make improvements as needed.


Feed submission is a simple yet effective way to increase the visibility of your website and attract more traffic. By submitting your feed to directories and aggregators, you can improve your SEO, build relationships with your readers, and measure the success of your content.


Learn How to Submit an RSS Feed: Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

Submitting an RSS feed is an essential step in promoting and sharing your content with your target audience. But, if you’re new to the world of feed submission, it can be quite intimidating. That’s why we’ve created this step-by-step guide for beginners to help you learn how to submit an RSS feed.

Step 1: Create an RSS Feed

The first step is to create an RSS feed for your website or blog. An RSS feed is a file that contains a list of your content, such as articles, blog posts, videos, etc. It allows users to easily subscribe to your content and receive updates whenever new content is published.

There are various ways to create an RSS feed. You can use a content management system (CMS) like WordPress, which automatically generates an RSS feed for your website. Alternatively, you can use a tool like Feedburner to create your RSS feed.

Step 2: Choose an RSS Feed Directory

Once you have created your RSS feed, the next step is to submit it to an RSS feed directory. An RSS feed directory is a website that lists RSS feeds from different sources. When you submit your feed to a directory, it makes it easier for users to discover your content.

There are many RSS feed directories available, but some of the most popular ones include Feedburner, Feedly, and Digg. Choose a directory that is relevant to your niche or industry.

Step 3: Submit Your RSS Feed

Once you have chosen an RSS feed directory, the next step is to submit your feed. The submission process may vary depending on the directory, but it usually involves filling out a form with your feed URL and other information.

Make sure to include a descriptive title and description for your feed, as this will help users understand what your content is about. You may also need to verify ownership of your feed by adding a special code to your website or by email.

Step 4: Promote Your RSS Feed

After submitting your RSS feed to a directory, the final step is to promote it to your target audience. You can do this by adding a subscription button to your website or blog, sharing your feed on social media, and including your feed URL in your email signature.

Remember that the more exposure your RSS feed gets, the more subscribers you will have. So, make sure to promote your feed regularly and encourage your audience to subscribe.


Submitting an RSS feed is a simple but essential step in promoting and sharing your content. By following these steps, you can learn how to submit an RSS feed and reach a wider audience with your content.

Understanding Feeds: A Comprehensive Guide to How They Work

Feed submission is an essential part of modern content creation and distribution. As more and more people turn to feeds to get their news, entertainment, and information, it’s crucial to understand how they work and how to submit your content to them.

What are Feeds?

Feeds are a way to distribute content to a wide audience. They come in many different forms, including RSS, Atom, and JSON. Essentially, feeds are a way to syndicate your content, allowing users to get updates without having to visit your website directly.

How do Feeds Work?

Feeds work by using a standardized format to deliver content updates to subscribers. When a user subscribes to a feed, their feed reader periodically checks the feed for new content. If new content is available, the feed reader downloads it and presents it to the user.

Feeds are typically organized by date, with the most recent content appearing at the top. They can include text, images, audio, and video, making them a versatile way to distribute all types of content.

Why Submit Your Feed?

Submitting your feed to various directories and search engines can help increase your audience and drive traffic to your website. When you submit your feed, you’re essentially making it easier for people to find and subscribe to your content.

There are many different directories and search engines that accept feed submissions, including Google, Yahoo!, and FeedBurner. Each directory has its own submission process, but most require basic information about your feed, such as the feed URL and a brief description.

Best Practices for Feed Submission

When submitting your feed, it’s important to follow best practices to ensure that it’s accepted and reaches the widest possible audience. Some tips for feed submission include:

  • Ensure your feed is valid: Use a feed validator to check that your feed is in the correct format and doesn’t contain any errors.
  • Optimize your feed for search engines: Use relevant keywords in your feed title and description to make it easier for people to find your content.
  • Submit to multiple directories: Submit your feed to as many directories and search engines as possible to increase your audience.
  • Promote your feed: Include a link to your feed on your website and in your email signature to encourage people to subscribe.


Understanding feeds and how to submit them is an important part of content creation and distribution. By following best practices and submitting your feed to multiple directories, you can increase your audience and drive more traffic to your website.

Understanding RSS Feeds: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

En la actualidad, los sitios web tienen que esforzarse para mantenerse actualizados y relevantes para su audiencia. Una forma efectiva de hacer esto es a través del uso de feeds RSS, que permiten a los usuarios recibir actualizaciones de contenido de manera automática.

Un feed RSS es una fuente de información que se actualiza constantemente. Los usuarios pueden suscribirse a estos feeds y recibir actualizaciones en tiempo real cuando se agrega nuevo contenido al sitio web.

Para comenzar a utilizar los feeds RSS, es necesario que el sitio web tenga uno disponible. En la mayoría de los casos, los feeds RSS se encuentran en la parte inferior de la página web, con el ícono de RSS.

Una vez que se ha encontrado el feed RSS del sitio web deseado, es posible utilizar un lector de feeds para suscribirse a él. El lector de feeds recopilará los feeds RSS a los que se ha suscrito y mostrará las actualizaciones en una sola ubicación.

Además de suscribirse a los feeds RSS de otros sitios web, también es posible crear un feed RSS propio. Esto puede hacerse utilizando un generador de feeds RSS, que permitirá a los usuarios agregar contenido a su feed y luego distribuirlo a través de diferentes plataformas.

Para distribuir un feed RSS, es necesario que se realice una presentación de feeds. Esto implica enviar el feed RSS a diferentes agregadores de feeds, como Google News, Feedly o Digg. Al enviar el feed a estos agregadores, se aumenta la visibilidad del contenido y se atrae a una audiencia más amplia.

Ya sea que se trate de suscribirse a feeds RSS de otros sitios web o crear uno propio, la presentación de feeds es crucial para asegurarse de que el contenido llegue a la audiencia adecuada.

En conclusión, la Feed Submission es una herramienta poderosa que te permitirá expandir el alcance de tus publicaciones y atraer a nuevos seguidores. Además, es una forma eficiente de aumentar el tráfico de tu sitio web y mejorar tu posicionamiento en los motores de búsqueda. Aunque puede llevar tiempo y esfuerzo, los beneficios de la Feed Submission son claros y definitivamente vale la pena considerarla como parte de tu estrategia de marketing digital. Así que no esperes más y comienza a explotar todo el potencial de esta herramienta para llevar tus contenidos a un público más amplio.

En resumen, la presentación de feeds es una estrategia valiosa para promocionar contenido en línea y aumentar la visibilidad de un sitio web. Al presentar un feed a varios directorios y plataformas de agregación de noticias, se puede llegar a una audiencia más amplia y potencialmente atraer nuevos visitantes al sitio. Además, la presentación de feeds puede ayudar a aumentar el tráfico del sitio, mejorar la clasificación en motores de búsqueda y construir una marca en línea sólida. En definitiva, la presentación de feeds es una táctica importante para cualquier estrategia de marketing en línea exitosa.

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